Unlike other oils, extra virgin olive oil is the only oil that can be consumed directly and naturally and is not subject to any processing.

Since extra virgin olive oil does not undergo any chemical treatment, it contains the flavour, aroma and fruity scents from the raw olive fruit.

A nutritional menu rich in olive oil instead of being fed with solid fat; a healthy life for a much longer time leads to permanent weight loss.

Extra virgin olive oil, which forms the cornerstone of the Mediterranean diet, is suitable for raw consumption as well as meals. In this way, the taste, flavour, aroma and the burning of olive oil in the throat can be felt more.

The high amount of fatty acids (Oleic Acid), phenolic compounds, Vitamin E, Vitamin K in olive oil forms the basis of olive oil.

Olive oil is the healthiest oil due to the high amount of oleic acid, one of the monounsaturated fatty acids. Research shows that monounsaturated fats help control cholesterol.

Compared to other cooking oils, olive oil contains a very high amount of oleic acid, a monounsaturated fatty acid.

Phenolic compounds, which give olive oil its unique flavour, are also found in vegetables and are biologically very important. Phenolic compounds play an important role in the inhibition of free radicals. Phenolic compounds also have anti-inflammatory and anti-bleeding effects.

Olive oil is a rich source of antioxidant Oleuropein, Hydroxytyrosol.

High levels of oleic acid, polyphenols and vitamins in olive oil fight against aging. It is the protector of our brain cells and prevents the development of diseases such as Alzheimer's.

Olive oil consumption helps prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Research shows that monounsaturated fats help control cholesterol. Olive oil consumption; lowers the level of total cholesterol and LDL bad cholesterol in the blood.

Olive oil is the most natural anti-inflammatory.

Phenolic compounds in extra virgin olive oil also have anti-inflammatory and anti-bleeding effects.

Olive oil strengthens the immune system.

Olive oil consumption strengthens the immune system against external attacks from microorganisms, bacteria and viruses.

Olive oil is the best oil for frying.

Olive oil is more stable than other vegetable and animal fats due to the high level of oleic acid it contains (the frying temperature of foods is 180 °C, the burning temperature of olive oil is 210 °C.

Olive oil protects the nutritional value of fried foods compared to other vegetable and animal fats.

Olive oil reduces bad cholesterol.

Cholesterol is a fatty substance found in foods of animal origin. Eating habits containing high amounts of animal fat increase the cholesterol content in the blood, which is one of the main risk factors of cardiovascular diseases. Olive oil consumption reduces LDL bad cholesterol, does not change the level of HDL good cholesterol, may even raise it and controls blood pressure.

Olive oil is the best digestive regulator.

Olive oil consumption reduces the risk of food and gastric fluids passing from the stomach to the oesophagus (reflux).

Olive oil is easy to be digested in the stomach and absorbed in the intestine.

Olive oil helps to beautify our skin.

Olive oil nourishes, moisturises and revitalises the body thanks to the vitamin E and antioxidants it contains.

Olive oil supports the absorption of minerals.

Olive oil promotes the absorption of minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc thanks to the many vitamins such as A, D, E and K it contains. Absorption of minerals and especially calcium ensures that our bones remain healthy. For these reasons, olive oil consumption is beneficial for bone development during childhood and limits calcium loss in old age.

Olive oil helps to lose weight.

A diet rich in olive oil causes more and long-term weight loss.

Olive oil provides blood sugar control.

Research has shown that extra virgin olive oil prevents an increase in blood sugar and cholesterol levels after a meal. A diet rich in olive oil is not only a good alternative in the treatment of diabetes, but also helps prevent or delay the onset of the disease. Olive oil consumption provides blood sugar control, prevents insulin resistance and its possible harmful effects.

Olive oil can be consumed during pregnancy and childhood.

Vitamin E and oleic acid found in breast milk are also found in olive oil. With this content, olive oil supports the development of the baby in the womb and after birth, and is especially beneficial for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers. Fats play a vital role in child nutrition. Olive oil is an indispensable food in this respect.

Olive oil prevents the development of some types of cancer.
